Dog advocates are rare in this world’s new PC culture. In this day and age all people think every dog should behave like a Golden Retriever when in fact, the dog world has so much diversity. But, I wish that there were more Dog Advocates out there that would stand up for their dog’s best interest and their dog’s uniqueness.

Dog advocates don’t put their dogs in compromising situations, dog advocates don’t allow things to happen to their dog because of someone else’s opinion and dog advocates are their dog’s champions.





Dog advocates don’t repeatedly take their dog to the dog park where they are allowed to be bullied by other dogs. They instead look for small playgroups where their dogs can thrive.

Dog advocates don’t allow children to run up and pet their dog knowing it might scare their dog. Instead they choose to not put their dogs in that situation or are prepared to tell a child NO YOU MAY NOT PET MY DOG. The dog advocates goal is to allow the dog to have positive controlled experiences their dogs can handle such as inviting one neighborhood child over to toss a few treats.

Dog advocates don’t let every dog greet their dog on a walk. Instead they politely give space and say “have a great day” and keep moving.

Dog advocates know that experience is the best teacher. And a dog advocate looks for the best and most controlled experiences for their dogs to be exposed to again and again. Their dog builds relationships based on trust and understanding instead of learning how to respond to all of these unpredictable situations.

Because when any dog or person has to respond to a situation that is unpredictable over and over again, a situation they feel they can’t control, someone loses. And often it’s your dog that loses. They become fearful, they snap at children, they become reactive towards other dogs.

Often times I think…your dog didn’t have to be that way. The dog park ISN’T the positive socialization you were looking for. Letting all of the grandchildren wrestle with and chase the new puppy isn’t necessarily building a positive relationship and letting your dog greet a strange dog on the street might prove to be disasterous.


You’ll both be happy you did!

Let me know how you’re going to be your dog’s best advocate!